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Five Things You Should Do On Your Wedding Day

Five Things You Should Do On Your Wedding Day

You’re getting married! What an exciting day! This is the day you’ve dreamed of all of your life and planned for months and months and months. After all of the stress and anticipation, it’s finally here! There were probably moments, many months ago, when you were swamped with planning and knee-deep in details, when you never thought that this day would actually come, but now it has! It’s real!


Here are a few tips for what you should do on your wedding day to maximize the experience.


Eat Something


It sounds simple, but many people forget to eat on their wedding day. They’re busy, they’re stressed, and they’re rushing around, so they don’t get a chance to eat anything. This means that, by the reception, they’re either starving, feeling faint, or both.


Make sure you wake up early enough to eat a good breakfast on your wedding day and do whatever you can to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day as well. Take some healthy snacks with you and nibble whenever you get the chance. We suggest something that’s easy to carry and that won’t make a mess.


You’ll also want to try to eat at least some of your meal at the reception. Some couples spend so much time walking around the room and talking to people that they don’t get to eat dinner. Don’t let this happen to you!


Thank Those Who Have Been There for You


You’ve probably had a lot of support from your loved ones leading up to your wedding day. They’ve been there for you emotionally, they’ve helped you plan, and they’ve worked hard. While your wedding day is obviously a very busy day, try to take a few minutes to personally thank the people who have supported you and who have helped you. It will mean a lot to them.


Live in the Moment


Put down your phone, ignore the photographer, and forget about your schedule for a least a few minutes. It’s easy to get wrapped up in taking pictures, updating your status, and making sure that everyone is where they’re supposed to be, but you’ll also want to make sure that you put all of this stuff aside, even for just a short time, so that you can enjoy and appreciate the moment.


It goes by very fast, so you’ll want to make sure that you truly experience it.


You’ll also want to let go of any stress that other people may cause you. There’s nothing you can do about it now, so put it out of your mind. Always remember that this day is about you and your partner.


Spend Some Alone Time with your Partner


There will probably be a lot of people at your wedding and you’ll want to spend time with all of them. That said, it’s important to take a moment to be alone with your partner on this day. It’s going to be a whirlwind, busy day filled with a lot of excitement, but it will also zip by incredibly quickly.


Take the time to spend a least a few minutes away from all of the hustle and bustle and just be with your partner. Talk, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company. This moment is really all about the two of you, so take some time to be with one another.


Enjoy It


This is your wedding day. While you might be filled with stress and anxiety, don’t let those feelings take away from this special day. You’re going to get the opportunity to stand up in front of your friends and family and express your love for your partner. You’re going to be in a room filled with your loved ones, celebrating your relationship. You’re about to embark on a new phase of your life.


Take the time to enjoy it. Don’t let stress or worry distract you from the beauty of this day. Perhaps some things will go wrong. Maybe the day won’t turn out exactly how you expected it to. That’s okay. No wedding is perfect. If you spend the entire day stressed about something going wrong, you won’t be able to enjoy yourself.


Appreciate the love you feel in the room on your wedding day and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.

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